Powershell + WSL Full Dev Env
Hi guys, as I mentioned in my previous post, I'm setting up a collection of scripts to semi-automatically set up a buttery smooth Windows PowerShell and WSL dev environment in the blink of an eye. Just today, I finished and cleaned up everything. Here are the links to my scripts and dotfiles together with documentation and cheatsheets: - Dotfiles Github repo: https://github.com/doanhtu07/my-terminal-dotfiles - Documentation is already included in the README.md files in the Github repo - Cheatsheets on Notion: https://tudope.notion.site/Cheatsheets-5315b36f45cd41ab899d8f4538bb0e1f?pvs=4 - [Bonus] VSCode+Vim keybindings/settings for MacOS and Windows: https://github.com/doanhtu07/vscode-vim-settings As of now, I have a full setup for both MacOS and Windows+WSL machines. Linux setup should be very similar to MacOS and WSL. If you find any errors/issues, please don't hesitate to let me know. Have fun coding! As an extra bonus, here is me running WSL 2 in my transparent Wezterm on Windows inspired by this video ( https://youtu.be/G0_wVLhI-Ds?si=wiDIJUCYAULjpG8W )
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